Ichino Tategu is the third generation joinery store in Suzuka City.

About us

About us

Ichino Tategu works on high-quality wood house fittings and joinery under the mottos "Nothing is impossible", "Make joinery together with you".
We make various proposals with customers' viewpoints, so that you would feel "I'm glad to choose Ichino Tategu!"
We definitely offer attentive customer service after installation.
Contact us if you look for the best wood house fittings and joinery.

Company name Ichino Tategu-ten
Representative Masamitsu Ichino
Address 3-9-2 Kasado,Suzuka-shi, Mie-ken 513-0004 Japan
TEL 059-378-0096
FAX 059-379-2143
E-mail ichinotateguten@yahoo.co.jp
Construction contents wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs etc

Greetings from Masamitsu Ichino, Representative of Ichino Joinery Store

Greetings from Ichino Tategu-ten's representative
Thank you for visiting our website.
We have worked in close contact with local people and succeeded mainly in Suzuka city, our hometown for three generations.
We are proud of our high quality services that have satisfied our customers for three generations.
“There is nothing that we can’t do.”
“We make our products(Tategu) consulting with our customers.”
We have these two mottos and make efforts to provide our products as you request or beyond your request with our high-experienced knowledge and skill.
Contact us about Wooden fixture(Tategu) /Kumiko fixture(Tategu)/Kumiko coaster/Fusuma(a framed and papered sliding door used as a room partition)/Woodwork/ and so on.

To wooden fittings, kumiko fittings, shoji, sliding doors, glass, Ichino fittings shop in Suzuka
Active as a local fittings shop, mainly in the local Suzuka city, for three generations
Please leave any fittings, fusuma, woodwork, or anything else in Suzuka to the Ichino Joinery Store.

Contact us

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.
With a wealth of technique, experience and knowledge, Ichino Tategu promises to produce high-quality joinery.
Contact us by e-mail or phone.
It's our honor to be engaged in making joinery that adorn your precious home.

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.

Click here to contact us by email
Click here for telephone consultation and quote