Our strength is our accumulated track record and trust.



Ichino Tategu, founded in 1951, is a community-based joiner in Suzuka City that has been running for three generations since the age of the current owner's grandfather.
Our management policy is "Do everything : the whole process consistently from arrangement, measurement, production to installation, responding to any detailed requests of customers".
With our motto, "Nothing is impossible" "Make joinery together with you", we face the joinery production every day.
For decades since we started production, we have further refined the technique and tradition which we inherited from our predecessors.
Joinery is always a familiar part of our life.
For that reason, our most important goal is "make joinery last longer", and we always keep in our mind to improve our technique even more.
In addition to refining the traditional technique, we also use modern technologies such as CAD system to mix traditional techniques of good old craftsmen with the latest technology.
By doing so, we can now respond to everyone's demands for “high quality, precise, and durable”.
As our skillfull technique is evaluated, Ichino Tategu work has received many awards at exhibitions.
Nowadays, we receive many orders for production from our fellow-traders as well.
We don't have a sales department, and our orders come from reputation and word of mouth only.
Our effrot to be engaged in joinery production seriously and the technique we have refined have paid off, leading it to success little by little.
With a higher level of skill than any other joiners, we face joinery with sincerity and respond perfectly to the needs of our customers.
That is the strength of Ichino Tategu.

way of thinking

We make efforts to make products with four goals. Each goal may be basic but most important goals.

Ichino joinery store always keeps this item in mind and is engaged in the production of joinery.


Our representative Masamitsu Ichino is qualified by a state examination as a certified first class Tategu technician. Our products won many prizes in many exhibitions.
It is because that our efforts and our high technique and delicate products were recognized by many people.
We promise that continue to make high quality products not being ashamed of many prizes.

2015 July/ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Award “Garasu-do(acrylic door)” 49th Tategu National Exhibition in Tokyo

2015 July/ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Award “Garasu-do(acrylic door)” 49th Tategu National Exhibition in Tokyo

2019 May/ the Mie Prefectural governor’s Prize  40th Mie Prefecture’s Tategu Exhibition

2019 May/ the Mie Prefectural governor’s Prize 40th Mie Prefecture’s Tategu Exhibition

2019 June/the chairman’s award by Japan Federarion of Architects & Building Engineers Association “Shinsaorigatakumiko”  53th Tategu National Exhibition in Aichi

2019 June/the chairman’s award by Japan Federarion of Architects & Building Engineers Association “Shinsaorigatakumiko” 53th Tategu National Exhibition in Aichi

Contact us

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.
With a wealth of technique, experience and knowledge, Ichino Tategu promises to produce high-quality joinery.
Contact us by e-mail or phone.
It's our honor to be engaged in making joinery that adorn your precious home.

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.

Click here to contact us by email
Click here for telephone consultation and quote