If you are thinking about new or repaired kumiko fittings, please contact Ichino Tategu-Ten.

Works|Kumiko fixture

Kumiko fixture

Kumiko fixture

Ichino Tategu-Ten is confident in the production of kumiko.
Kumiko is simply a technique for assembling trees without using nails. Woodworking techniques that have been polished over the years from the distant Asuka era are Kumiko.
At the Ichino joinery store, we perform everything from meetings to material procurement, production and installation.
Therefore, we can make your own original kumiko fittings according to your needs.
If you are considering new style and production of Kumiko joinery, please order Ichino Tategu-Ten.

※Click on the image to see a larger image.

When new kumiko fittings are purchased, their prices will fluctuate depending on the materials used, shapes and designs.
Please feel free to contact us for the production fee for the kumiko fittings.

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Contact us

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.
With a wealth of technique, experience and knowledge, Ichino Tategu promises to produce high-quality joinery.
Contact us by e-mail or phone.
It's our honor to be engaged in making joinery that adorn your precious home.

Contact us for wood house fittings, kumiko (muntin) joinery, kumiko coasters, shoji and fusuma sliding doors, glass, keys, and repairs.

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Click here for telephone consultation and quote